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Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Exports for Week Ending Saturday |
Engagements Exported |
1 $500,000 Coin By: Nat. City Bnk To: Montivedeo Ref: J, K |
2 $31,250 "Mostly to London" Ref: E |
December Engagement |
7 $500,000 Coin By:Bnk of Comm. To:Argentina Ref: A, F |
8 $1,500,000 Coin $500,000 Bars By: NCB To:Paris Ref: F, G, W |
9 $5,500 "To Chili" Ref: G |
December Engagement |
11 $500,000 Bars By: Nat. Cty Bnk To: Paris Ref: J, B, H, I |
13 OCEANIC sails 10 a.m; REPUBLIC docks Ref: + |
14 None. Ref: L |
15 $250,000 Coin By: Anglo-S Am. To: Argentina Ref: D, M, N |
16 $5,420,000 "to Paris", and $500,000 "to Mentevedeo". Ref: C, D, O |
8th - $2,000,000 11th - $500,000 12th - $3,000,000 1st - $500,000 |
18 $250,000 Coin By: Bnk of Comm. To: Argentina Ref: Q, P |
19 $250,000 Coin By: Bnk of Comm. To: Argentina Ref: Q, R |
21 $500,000 Coin By: Gldmn Schs To: Argentina Ref: T, U |
22 $500,000 Coin By: Muller Schall To: Argentina Ref: T, U Russian Loan Closes; REPUBLIC Sails 3 p.m. |
23 $763,125 "mostly to Argentina". Ref: S
7th - $500,000 15th - $250,000 |
25 $250,000 Coin By:Kidder Pbdy To: Argentina Ref: X |
26 $500,000 Coin By: Nat Cty Bnk To: Argentina Ref: Y |
29 $2,250,000 Coin By: To: Argentina Ref: Y |
30 $1,150,000 Coin "mostly to Argentina". Ref: V |
18th - $250,000 19th - $250,000 21st - $500,000 22nd - $500,000 |
FEB. 1 $1,250,000 Coin By: NCB and others To: Argentina Ref: X |
2 $850,000 Coin By: Gldmn Sachs To: Argentina Ref: Y |
References Exports reported for week ending Saturdays.; A, New York Commercial, January 8, 4:2; B, 13, 4:1; C, 16, 11:4; D, 16,4:2 E, New York Post, January 2, Financial, 7:3; F, 8, 10:3; G, 9, Fin. 7:5; H, 11, 1:2; I, 11, 8:6; J, 12, 2:3; K, 12, 12:6; L, 14, 13:2; M, 15, 10:6; N, 15, 10:7; O, 16, Fin. 5:3; P, 18, 11:3; |
February 6 $250,000 "to Argentina". Ref: Z |
25th - $250,000 |
Q, 20, 12:6; R, 20, 13:2; S,23, Fin. 7:3; T, 26, 11:2; U, 27, 11:2; V, 30, Fin. 2:5; W, 30 Fin. 5:1; X, February 1, 11:3; Y, 2, 11:3; Z, 6, Fin. 6:6; +, New York Sun, Jan 13 and N.Y. Comm. Jan. 14 16:4. Additional export data can be obtained from the Monday editions of the Journal of Commerce. |
© 1985 M.A.G., Inc. Confidential Report. All rights reserved. |