The Rumor, The Reports, The LegendRumors of the REPUBLIC'S treasure originated at the time of her sinking on January 24, 1909 and persist to this day. Reports existed, but the facts were vague. Although the source and intended purpose of this treasure has vacillated between only two possibilities, either a U. S. Government Battleship Fleet payroll or a relief shipment for the Messina earthquake victims, the amount of treasure and its description are most commonly reported as a cargo of $3,000,000, in American Gold Eagles1 - a shipment that could have a value today exceeding $1 billion, depending on the mint, denomination, condition and marketing of the individual coins. Rumors that the Republic had sunk were rife in the city early in the evening. N. Y. Tribune, January 25, 1909, 1:7 A more detailed dispatch came through about 5:30 o'clock [p.m., January 24, 1909], by way of Newport, and read: New York American, January 25, 1909, 2:7 Reports that the Republic carried a large sum of money collected for the sufferers from the earthquake at Messina were denied yesterday at the offices of the White Star Line. At least Manager Mitchell of the Mediterranean Service said that no such [our emphasis added ] money had been turned over to the steamship company for transportation. N. Y. Sun, January 25, 1909, 2:2
Queries from the Curious and Answers to Them.
Work on Bottom of Ocean In February 1919, principals of Twentieth Century Deep Sea Salvage Syndicate held discussions with the Commodore Commandant of the Coast Guard, Ellsworth Price Bertholf, and another Coast Guard official, a Captain McAllister. Commodore Bertholf appears to be a person who would have been in an excellent position to know the nature of the cargo aboard Republic. He was a celebrated personality of the period, a Congressional Gold Medal Recipient, and the Coast Guard's first Commandant.
Deep Sea Salvage Syndicate, letter dated February 8, 1919 These documents and sources are posted at: Our Photo Gallery. To further enlarge a document, click the document. To see the Coast Guard's response, to proceed to the next document, click the page's angular navigation aids. These Coast Guard Documents appear to be the basis of several of the following published sources, particularly those Coast Guard personnel who became authors.
Wilkins, H. T., On the Trail of Treasure In May 1930, apparently after having read several of the above reports, Mr. Louis Miller of Brooklyn, New York, asks the Coast Guard for information on Republic's gold cargo. His initial inquiry, and Captain Benjamin M. Chiswell's (a WWI recipient of the Navy Cross, became a Rear Admiral and considered the father of Coast Guard aviation) complete response, are posted within the Documents section of: Our Photo Gallery. Unofficial information at the time suggested that the Republic may have had on board $3,000,000 in American Gold Eagles. The facts, however, are not known to this office. Capt. Chiswell, Coast Guard Letter, 14 May 1930
Diving Bell Gropes for Lost Gold, By Robert Talley
Lusitania's Treasure of Gold and Gems to Be Salvaged She had a passenger list of 440 persons, and besides General Cargo, there were supplies for Admiral Sperry's fleet, then returning from its 'round-the-world cruise, as well as relief items for the Messina earthquake victims. And in the strong room was a large consignment of American Gold Eagles, valued at $3,000,000. ... Her treasure of 'golden eagles' still lies in the strong room, for to date but one known attempt [in 1919, or 1929? 3] has been made to bring that vast hoard to the surface, and that was a failure because of the water's depth, and inadequate methods of salvage. Coast Guard Lieut. H. E. Rieseberg, Treasure Hunter
Millions in Sunken Gold Lies Along U.S. Coast More recent additions to the list of shipwrecks in the same east-coast area are the British liner Republic which foundered off Nantucket in 1909, taking $5000,000 [sic] in American "gold eagles" to a grave far too deep for salvage;.. Geographic School Bulletin, 1948, Pg. 1947
The Stanford Daily, Volume 113, Issue 48, 7 May 1948
Unclaimed Fortunes Under The Sea, Mechanix Illustrated, Jan. 1950 In 1909 the British liner Republic foundered off Nantucket Island with $3,000,000 in American gold. Boys' Life, Nov. 1957, Pg. 74
F. L. Coffman, 1001 Lost, Buried or Sunken Treasures
Lt. Harry E. Rieseberg, There's Gold in Them There Waves The White Star Liner Republic, lost off Nantucket Shoals in 1909, carried $3,000,000 in gold eagles. However, the Republic rests in 185 [270] feet of water. Clarence E. Lovejoy, Maps Give Skippers Chance at Sunken Gold -
John S. Potter, Jr., The Treasure Diver's Guide, Revised Edition THE TREASURE OF THE REPUBLIC Riches beyond most men's wildest dreams - $3,000,000 in the American ten dollar[?]1 gold pieces known as 'Eagles' - reportedly lie in the hulk of the liner Republic, about 12 miles southwest of Nantucket Lightship. ... Coast Guard Cmdr Adrian L. Lonsdale and H. R Kaplan ... The story of the Republic is one that's well known to treasure hunters. Some $3.000,000 in gold eagles couldn't be removed before the ship went down. It's still aboard, thus far protected by swirling currents at 40 degrees 25' 30" N, 69 degrees 40" [sic] W. ... Cameron S. Foote, Broken Water Ahead! Off the coast of Massachusetts, the Old Bay State, at a point about 12 miles southwest of Nantucket South Shoals Lightship, lies one of the richest undersea treasures ever lost in American waters. It is a multi-million-dollar consignment of United States $10 gold pieces, commonly known as golden eagles. ... Although millions in $10 gold pieces is just too much wealth to be completely forgotten, it is nevertheless true that only one attempt to recover this rich hoard is on record. In 1919, 10 years after the Republics watery demise, the Twentieth Century Deep Sea Salvage Syndicate of Chicago made an effort to find and bring up the lost wealth. The effort was fruitless, and although the would be saviors gave out little information regarding their venture, it is probably true that their attempt failed due to the type of equipment then in use. ... Al Masters, Missing Millions In $10 Golden Eagles! About 25 miles east of Nantucket Island on the Atlantic coast lies the wreck of the old White Star passenger liner, the S. S. Republic. This wreck could well be called the wreck of the "golden eagles," for in her huge walk-in safe she took to the bottom many kegs of United States ten-dollar gold pieces, then called golden eagles. For 67 years, $3,000,000 worth of golden eagles have lain in the sunken hulk beneath 240 feet of water. ... The golden eagles still lie awaiting a crew with the technique and the courage to break through to the treasure. The task will be perilous and expensive, but the reward will be $3,000,000 in ten dollar gold pieces worth considerably more today than they were 67 years ago.1 Teddy Remick, Wreck of the Golden Eagles
Ellsworth Boyd, Top 10 [Undiscovered] Wrecks of the East Coast
New York Times, April 12, 1981, NJ, 2 Some people have furnished clues. Seventy-seven-year-old Philip Thornton, the son of Republic's second officer, heard Bayerle being interviewed on the BBC and excitedly called up his sister to say: "Apparently the stories that Father told us about the gold are true!"
Jack Borden, Liquid Assets
[Discussing Tommy Thompson's shipwreck selection process in the early 1980s, ultimately selecting the treasure ship S.S. Central America as his salvage target,] Tommy now allocated more and more of his free hours each month to studying ships that had sunk in deep water, like the Titanic, the Republic, the Andrea Doria, the San José. For each ship he wanted to know: Was there enough historical documentation that the ship carried a cargo of substantial value when it sank, and that it sank in a roughly definable location? Gary Kinder, Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea ... and many other reports and speculative rumor - which have grown into legend.
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FOOTNOTES1 Gold coins at the time were commonly referred to as Eagles, and were denominated as quarter-eagles ($2.50), half-eagles ($5.00), eagles ($10.00) and double-eagles ($20.00). Bankers routinely shipped gold bars (packed in kegs) in international exchange, and resorted to the shipment of gold coins only when gold bars were unavailable but the transaction still remained profitable. There were higher transaction costs in the shipment of coins rather than bars. When coins were shipped, bankers would generally select double eagles of "full weight" - coins which had not been in circulation; gold coins were packed in boxes. See: The Bankers' Costs of Foreign Exchange and Operations of the Assay Office and Sub-Treasury, infra. The shipment aboard Republic, if it exists, would most likely consist of uncirculated double eagles, twenty-dollar gold pieces shipped in boxes. 2In his 1937 book Pirate Treasure (E. P. Dutton & Co., New York, 1st Ed.), author Wilkins describes the Republic's cargo as follows: "Other American treasure wrecks claiming the attention of the up-to-date marine salvor include ... the Republic, off the Nantucket Lighthouse, with two million dollars in gold; ... ." 3"To date, only one attempt has been made to salvage this vast fortune and that was in 1919, when, because of the vessel's depth - 228 feet - the effort was unsuccessful." Lt. Harry E. Rieseberg, TREASURE!, Henry Holt and Company, New York, 1957, p. 20. And, "Only one known attempt has been made to bring this cargo to the surface, in 1919. It failed because of the depth and the inadequate salvage equipment." Lieut. Harry E. Rieseberg and A. A. Mikalow, Fell's Guide to Sunken Treasure Ships of the World, Federick Fell Inc., N. Y., 1965, p. 123.
4 Potter's text contains several errors. The Republic lies south of Nantucket Island, sank on January 24, 1909, and three Republic passengers (as well as three Florida crewmen) lost their lives as a result of the collision. Also, gold was routinely shipped within a specie (bullion) room. There is, however, some information to suggest that the eagles believed to be aboard the Republic were minted at San Francisco. | |
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