The engagement of $1,800,000 gold, nearly all in coin, for shipment to Paris, was the principal incident of the day [yesterday -January 8th]. Conditions are ripe for a resumption on rather a large scale of the movement that was inaugurated before the end of the year. The only drawback is the absence of bars suitable for export, and as the Assay Office receives only about $1,000,000 weekly, shippers of gold will have to resort to coin, which of course, entails more expense and is less satisfactory in every way. Instead of the engagement causing sterling to decline, final quotations last night were at the top, namely 4.87 1/4 for demand and 4.8740 for cables. ... Journal of Commerce, January 9, 09, 3:1 To-day $1,800,000 gold will leave New York for Paris, while $500,000 will be sent to Argentina. Of the former amount only $400,000 consists of bars, the remainder being in gold coin, since the supply of bars suitable for export has been exhausted. ... Journal of Commerce, January 9, 09, 12:3 The National City Bank on Friday engaged $2,000,000 gold for export to Paris, $1,500,000 in gold coin and $500,000 in gold bars. The later was taken from the assay office and was practically all there was on hand there. This gold will be shipped on the steamer ST. LOUIS sailing to-day. ... Wall Street Journal, January 9, 09, 1:3 GOLD COIN TO EUROPE The National City Bank Sends $2,000,000 The expected continuation of the gold export movement materialized yesterday in engagements of $2,000,000 by the National City Bank. All of the shipments will go forward to Paris to-day by the St. Louis of the American Line. Between this shipment and all others on the present movement to Paris or other European countries there is the important difference that the greater part of it is in coin, while all previous shipments have been in bars. The consignors took $500,000 in bars - all that remained in the Assay Office - and secured the rest in coin. Exchange rates were up higher than at any previous time of the export movement, and despite the engagements the demand rate closed at 4.8715@4.8720, 15 points up on the day. N. Y. Sun, January 9, 09, 11:3 On January 8th, National City Bank did secure all of the remaining gold bars at the New York assay office. Only after the bars were exhausted, would she secure the remainder in gold coin from the Sub-Treasury. Under average financial conditions, the New York Assay Office was known "to accumulate gold bars at the rate of about $1,000,000 weekly."1 However, between the time of her most recent gold bar export engagement on December 22, 1908, when a commitment of $699,010 was made, and January 8th, a difference of 13 working days, she had accumulated only $400,000 in bars. The trickling rate of gold bar accumulation is exhibited, also, in the pure inactivity of gold bar exports until the end of April; the very need for a U. S. Government embargo on gold bar exports to assure sufficient gold bars for domestic use substantiates the Assay Office's inability to satisfy demand. ... Receipts of gold bullion at the assay office have recently averaged about $1,000,000 a week, which limits the capacity of that institution to supply gold bars for export. There is a practically unlimited supply of gold coin in the Sub-Treasury which will be paid out in exchange for gold certificates, but exchange must advance considerably before it will become profitable to export gold coin, on account of the risk of abrasion of the coin. ... Wall Street Journal, December 14, 08, 8:5 GOLD EXPORTS Goldman, Sachs & Co. Engage $500,000 Gold Bars - Goldman, Sachs & Co. on Monday [Dec. 21, 1908] engaged $500,000 gold bars for export to Europe. It was announced that it would not be determined until to-day what country the gold was destined for, although it very probably would be shipped to Paris. This engagement of gold bars represents the accumulation of daily receipts at the Assay Office during the past ten days, or since the National City Bank took all the suitable gold bars there were when it shipped $4,000,000 on Dec. 12. The Assay Office is thus again without any exportable bars. The total gold engagements since Dec. 3, when Lazard Freres shipped $1,500,000, have been $6,000,000. [Emphasis supplied] Wall Street Journal, December 22, 08, 8:2 ...The only drawback [to the resumption of a gold export movement on a large scale] is the absence of bars suitable for export, and as the Assay Office receives only about $1,000,000 weekly, shippers of gold will have to resort to coin, ... Journal of Commerce, January 9, 09, 3:1 [describing a March shipment of gold coin to London] This process of selection [of full-weight gold coins for export] had probably been some time in progress; long ago it was evident that no reliance could be placed upon the procurement of gold bars from the Assay office, in the event of an emergency arising that would make gold exports compulsory for the production of bars was not much greater than half a million per week. ... The Financier, New York, March 22, 09, 1143 It is unlikely, therefore, that National City Bank secured her January 11th $500,000 gold bar engagement from the New York Assay Office after she had exhausted the Assay Office's supply of gold bars only two working days earlier. But if the New York Assay Office had exhausted its supply of gold bars as of January 8th, how did National City Bank acquire the gold bars for its January 11th engagement?
May Get Gold From Philadelphia It was learned this afternoon that some international bankers were considering the advisability or practicability of getting gold bars at the Philadelphia mint for shipment from this city [New York] to Europe. The United States Assay Office is out of bars, but Philadelphia has a good supply. The only question is as to the added cost on an exportation of the metal. N. Y. Globe and Commercial Advertiser, International bankers are understood to have made efforts to secure gold bars from the Philadelphia mint yesterday [January 11th, the very day National City Bank made a $500,000 gold bar engagement] ... New York Commercial, January 12, 09, 14:5
New York Press, January 12, 1909, 9:4 Information was received yesterday [emphasis, January 11] that bankers were making inquiries in Philadelphia for the engagement of gold bars at the Government Mint there. The New York Assay Office has no supply of gold bars on hand of the size usually used by gold exporters, and most of last week's shipment was made in the shape of coin. Bankers prefer, however, to ship bars whenever it is possible, and it was figured yesterday that bars could be brought over from Philadelphia and cost no more at all events than would a shipment made in the shape of gold coin. . . . N. Y. Times, January 12, 09, 1:4 The Delayed Transaction The French gold purchases made at New York may have been delayed for one or both of the following reasons:
The bankers' motivations - the standard foreign-exchange good business practice to minimize expense - also provide adequate explanation for the previously identified discrepancies in the exact bar-coin composition of the January 16, 1909, export report. See: Discrepancies. In essence, the bankers had hoped to acquire additional gold bars before the Russian loan closed. As of the dates of the various conflicting export reports, the gold had not actually been shipped. Although the total amount was committed, the proportionate composition - bars and coin - remained, before actual shipment, undetermined. And, the delay in the actual movement of funds also explains several remarks concerning the market reaction to the January 12, 1909, engagement.
New York Post, January 12, 09, 2:3 [Yesterday.] Money rates have as yet been unaffected by exports. ... New York World, January 13, 1909, 10:1. ... Though additional engagements of gold coin were effected on Tuesday [January 12, 1909], the market did not reflect offerings of bills incident to the intended shipment, and a strong tone continued to prevail. ... [Emphasis supplied.] The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, Jan. 16, 09, 127:2. Simply stated, the French Banks had not paid for their gold on January 12, 1909, and, therefore, the market did not reflect that payment. The typical delay between engagement and export further reinforces our analysis. Several newspaper accounts regarding gold exports to Paris occurred after the OCEANIC's 10 a.m. January 13th departure; they clearly indicate that large engagements, including the $3,000,000 American gold eagle engagement, remained to be shipped to Paris. With the identified $1,500,000 in Philadelphia gold bars replacing an equivalent amount of coin in the January 8th engagement, and with indicated shipment of these bars on "Saturday's steamer," January 16th (most likely shipped aboard the American liner Philadelphia which departed on that date at 10 a.m.), it becomes apparent that the January 8th engagement was shipped at the earliest on January 16th - for a delay between engagement and actual shipment of at least eight days. This complies to the typical delay, "Engagement - Shipment Timing," between engagement and shipment. A delay of this nature - a typical delay - would make the January 12th, $3,000,000 American Gold Eagle engagement available for shipment the week of the REPUBLIC's departure. | |
FOOTNOTES1Wall Street Journal, December 14, 08, 8:5; Journal of Commerce, January 9, 09, 3:1 and January 28, 09, 3:4. | |
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