WASHINGTON, Jan. 12. - The supply ship Culgoa, after it has discharged its cargo of supplies in the striken districts of Southern Italy, will proceed to Gibraltar to get a new cargo of stores and provisions for the use of the crews of the Atlantic Fleet.
The Celtic, the other naval supply ship ordered to the relief of the earthquake sufferers, is expected to arrive at Gibraltar to-morrow or next day. She will continue her trip to Naples with as little delay as possible. NY Times, Jan. 12, 09, 2:3
Stores Ship USS Celtic RELIEF GIVEN BY AMERICANS EXCEEDS THAT OF OTHER NATIONS The Culgoa Transfers 400 Tons of Provisions to Admiral Moreno at Naples [SPECIAL TO THE HERALD] Naples, Sunday - The supply ship Culgoa is discharging 400 tons of fresh meat, flour and tinned vegetables which are being delivered to Vice-Admiral Moreno, to be used as required for relief work. These supplies, together with fully 800 tons of similar articles, comprising the Celtic's relief stores, far exceed the aid given by any other nation. ... New York Herald, European Edition, January 18, 09, 1:3 |
HOMEWARD SUPPLIES READY FOR FLEET Arrangements Are Being Made for These to Be Conveyed by a Commercial Steamer. TRANSHIPMENT AT GIBRALTAR. The Culgoa Will Receive the Supplies and Deliver Them to the Battleships. [BY COMMERCIAL CABLE TO THE HERALD] Washington, Monday. - Arrangements are being made for the shipment of supplies and provisions by a commercial steamer to the Atlantic battleship fleet for the homeward voyage. The Bureau of Supplies and Accounts has practically completed the arrangements to ship a large quantity of fresh meat, vegetables and butter on the Cunarder Carmania, which will meet the Culgoa on January 28 at Gibraltar. The Culgoa will take the supplies aboard and deliver them to the fleet. New York Herald, European Edition, January 19,09, 2:2 . . |