On Saturday, January 23, 1909, the day following the Republic's Friday 3 p.m. departure, New York's morning newspapers discussed several of her passengers and her US Navy cargo. The Republic had been involved in a collision at 5:40 a.m. that very morning, but these papers had already been printed and were in circulation. For some reason, the US Navy supplies, originally scheduled to be shipped aboard Cunard's Carmania which departed New York on Thursday, January 21, were delayed a day and shipped aboard Republic. NEW SUPPLIES FOR FLEET More than five hundred tons of provisions, or "ships' stores," went out yesterday to the battle ship fleet on the Republic [Emphasis supplied.], of the White Star line, which will transship them to the Culgoa, which it is expected will be awaiting the arrival of the Republic at Gibraltar. These stores are to replace those taken from the Culgoa to succor the survivors of the earthquake at Messina and Reggio, and include several tons of fresh beef, together with thousands of cases of canned and dried food stuffs.
New York Herald, January 23, 1909, 9:6 CONNOLLY TO MEET THE FLEET. Writer Will Be a Guest on the Vermont And Return With Them. James B. Connolly, writer of sea yarns and friend of the President, sailed yesterday by the White Star liner Republic to join the battleship fleet that is due to arrive at Newport News on February 22. Mr. Connolly will be a guest aboard the Vermont. He dined recently with the President and he say that Mr. Roosevelt expects to make the reception of the fleet one of the greatest marine spectacles on record. Mr. Connolly said he believed in having a big battle fleet for the Pacific, as there probably would be more need for it there than on this coast.
The Republic has aboard 500 tons of provisions for the battleships that she will transfer at Gibraltar to the supply ship Culgoa, which exhausted her stores for the Messina earthquake sufferers. [Emphasis supplied.]
New York Sun, January 23, 1909, 9:2. GOES TO MEET THE FLEETJ. B. Connolly Off by the President's Permission - Others on the Republic. The White Star liner Republic sailed for the Mediterranean yesterday with every cabin full. Among those who sailed was J. B. Connolly, the marine writer, who goes under a special arrangement made by the President to join the fleet at Gibraltar and return on one of the battleships. Mr. Connolly said that a few days ago he dined at the White House, and that the President was planning the welcoming home of our fleet, which will arrive here on Feb. 22. The writer predicted that it will be the greatest reception ever given a fleet. While Mr. Connolly would not go into details, he gave as his opinion that it was essential for this country to maintain a fleet in the Pacific. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hover also sailed on the Republic. They arrived at the pier in an automobile, and will be away about three years on a tour of the world by auto. Dr. Paola Gilliberth, the Italian Government surgeon on board, came near missing the steamer. He was detained on shore, and had to be taken out in a tug. The Republic has aboard 500 tons of provisions for the battleships that she will transfer at Gibraltar to the supply ship Culgoa, which exhausted her stores for the Messina earthquake sufferers. [Emphasis supplied.] New York Times, January 23, 09, 4: 1 |