The Story


FRIDAY [January 22, 1909] 
3 p. mThe Republic leaves New York Harbor. [Republic casts off from White Star Line's Pier 48.] 
4:00[5:40] a. m.-Steamer Florida, of Lloyd-Italian Line, rams the White Star liner Republic two hundred miles from New York in a dense fog. 
4:05[5:45] a. m.-The Florida and the Republic separate in the fog. 
4:10[5:50] a. m.-Watertight compartments closed on injured ships. 
4:20[6:00] a. m.-Operator J. R. Binns transmits 'C. Q. D.' distress marconigram to Siasconset, Mass., and all steamships within a radius of three hundred miles. Messages are received by the White Start liner Baltic, the French liner La Lorraine, the Cunard liner Lucania, the United States torpedo boat Cushing and the revenue cutters Gresham, Acushnet, Seneca, and Mohawk. [See also: Operator Binns' Wireless Log] 
6:35 a. m.-The revenue cutter Acushnet called to the assistance of the coasting steamer Nantucket, aground near Newport. 
7:00 a. m.-The Florida reappears to the Republic's passengers. 
7:30 - 11:30 a. m.-The Republic's passengers are transferred by small boats to the Florida. 
9:45 a. m.-First wireless message from La Lorraine received on the Republic. 
10 a. m.-The Mohawk, on way to aid the Republic, runs ashore an Tilmer's Island. 
11 a. m.-La Lorraine encourages the Republic's passengers by message saying she is only twenty miles distant. 
12:45 p. m.-La Lorraine hears submarine bell of the Republic. 
4:30-5:30 [6:00] p. m.-  The Baltic locates the Republic by submarine bell and discovers her in fog near the Florida. 
[6:00 - 11:00 p. m.-The Baltic may have offloaded sacks of mail from the Republic. See: The Second Transfer.] 
6:40 p. m.-The Baltic asks La Lorraine to follow the Florida. 

7 p. m.-La Lorraine steams on toward New York, searching for the Florida.
[8 p. m.-Republic located by City of Everett. Assistance offered but refused.]
11 p. m.-It is decided to transfer passengers of the Republic and the Florida to the Baltic.
11:40 p. m.-Transfer begins.


7:30 a. m.-Anchor liner Furnessia comes to near the Florida.

8:45 a. m.-The Furnessia goes in search of the Republic, leaving the Florida.  
[ 9:00 a. m.-  City of Everett departs for New York. Offers of assistance rejected.]  
10:00 a. m.-Transfer of passengers from both injured steamers to the Baltic is completed.  
10:05 a. m.-Captain Ranson of the Baltic sends marconigram to White Star offices at Bowling Green, announcing safe removal of passengers and intention to find the Republic.  
10:20 a. m.-The Republic is again seen by the Baltic.  
10:30 a. m.-The Furnessia finds the Republic.  
10:45 a. m.-The Baltic abandons the Republic and steams for New York.  

[11:00 a. m.-The New York (left) and Lucania passed by. Florida in background (right). Photo taken from Baltic.]

SS New York

[11:35 a. m.-Gresham stands by Republic. Republic drawing 40 feet aft.]
12:30 p. m.-The revenue cutter Gresham makes fast to bow of the Republic, while the Furnessia makes fast to her stern.
2:00 p. m. [4:30].-The Seneca reaches the Republic.
3:00 p. m.-The New York comes alongside the Republic.
3:30 p. m.-The Florida and the New York start for harbor together.

(Compare with the 1956 Andrea Doria - Stockholm   
collision HERE, at the very same location)

6:22 p. m.-The Gresham and the Furnessia begin to tow the Republic. 
6:35 p. m.-Stern hawsers are carried away and both ships lie to. 
[7:30 p. m.-Tug Scully arrives.] 
8:40[8:07 to 8:10] p. m.-The Republic sinks. Captain Sealby and volunteer crew rescued from the sea by small boat from the Gresham. 
10:30 p. m.-The Furnessia starts for New York. 
10:31 p. m.-Captain Sealby informs White Star officials by wireless that the Republic has foundered, all hands saved. 
11 p. m.-The revenue cutters Seneca and Gresham get under way for Gay Head, Martha's Vineyard with Captain Sealby and volunteer crew. 

N. Y. Tribune, January 26, 09, 2:2   
[MGB's corrected times and additions.]

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